Seven Days of the Week

The days will run on by us

No eye-contact, single-file

Mile by mile they will pass us

All the while we try to connect

Try to talk to the days that pass

While our flesh wrinkles

And eyes turn to dust

Our bodies, Collasping to the ground

Into heaps of bones

All the seven days stand around us

Wondering where the time went

Author: Jack Bennett

Born in Torbay, living in Bristol.

20 thoughts on “Seven Days of the Week”

  1. Reading this made me suddenly feel that I need to spend less time on my electronic devices. I know that may not have been your inspiration for this, but it set some wheels in motion in my head tonight. Thanks for that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jack, your poetry leaves me without words. No, your poetry fills me with a deluge of words and none of them seem decent enough to express my pleasure in reading the lines and reading in between the lines. It’s a rare thing for me to come across writing like this. Well done and I’m so happy I’ve connected with you on WordPress. Happy Wednesday, fellow writer! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow thank you so much, Monique! You’ve really made me smile 🙂 What a well thought out comment! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed it! There will be lots more to come! Thank you very much, hope you have a great day! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I worked in the service industry all through high school and college- I was actually a “Produce Associate” (read: apple sorter) for a long time.
    Though your poem is much deeper in meaning, the first few lines struck home with me: it is the utterly prosaic, and maddeningly impersonal nature of the “Service Industry”- a bit of a misnomer, as service implies some matter of interaction.

    In the States, and more specifically in my store, interactions included:

    – Complaining about the origin of grapes
    – Complaining about the price of bananas
    – Asking where to find something not related to produce

    One time, an old man yelled at me, blaming the rise in the price of oranges to the rising price of oil, -middle, middle, middle- it was President Bush’s fault. But you know what? At least I wasn’t asked where to find Chutney (it didn’t matter- I always directed customers to the baking needs aisle).

    Stay strong my friend, and keep up the good prose. You won’t be stuck there forever.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get you man. The service industry is an absolute hell sometimes. I’m glad (Not glad) that in the states you have the exact same thing going for you, haha. We deal with all the crazy customers eh! But I’ll be honest they inspire me with their ridiculousness, ahha. I’m going to keep going, for the sake of all us store assistants! hahaaha. If you don’t mind me asking, what did you used to work in? Thank you so much for your long comment by the way. It was a pleasure to read.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Jack,

        We have a chain called Giant – kinda run of the mill medium sized markets. I was a produce associate, so I has the pleasure of doubtlessly explaining to customers that green squash and zuchinni were the same thing.

        I Hear you on their antics being an inspirarion. After I graduated from college I became a cubicle dweller of varying degrees- crazy amount of writing material there. It’s like the office, but instead of funny, it’s painfully boring and so cliched as to be unsettling.

        Our office has the particularly bizarre habit of photoshoping the CEO ‘s heads onto the bodies of cartoon animals. Imagine the hideous chimera that is the face of a 300 pound CFO pastes of the body of Pumba from the lion king.

        Back then (it was a few years ago), I read a biography about Percy Fawcett and a lot of Kipling. And in the cubicle world, disappearing into the Amazon and seeing the annual “Me Party” thrown by the CEOs was actually a lateral move.

        So keep the hope alive man! Jobs might always suck, but you can distill inspirarion and humor from them, the worst, the better. Because honestly, whether service or corporate, absurdity abounds.

        Keep up the great verse, good sir.

        GB Seeonee

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